- HR: Welcome back, we're with Zhang Ziyi. Your breakthrough film really was Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. How did you get the part in that? 欢迎回来,我们的嘉宾是章子怡小姐。你电影生涯中具有突破意义的电影是卧虎藏龙,你是怎样有机会参与这部电影的?
- How did you get the part?I got cast to be a Snatcher through my pictures and my ability of free running and parkour. 答:我是通过我的照片还有我的城市竞跑和跑酷的特长被选中扮演搜捕队员的。
- A: How do you get the toolbar for Picture? 你怎么找到图片工具栏的?
- I'm sorry to hear that. How did you get the cold? 听你这么说我感到不安,你怎么得感冒的?
- A: Unbelievable! How did you get the answer? 难以置信。你怎么知道的答案?
- How did you get the information? 你如何获得信息的?
- How do you get the pieces of this machine into place? 你如何把这些机器零件装配起来的?
- How did you get the book, Jo? --I borrowed it from the library. 你是怎么弄到这本书的?--我从图书馆中借来的。
- Congratulations! Could you tell us how did you get the champion? 祝贺你拿了冠军!能告诉我们你怎么做到的吗?
- How do you get the result? ( fix denominator, plus numerator. 你是怎样算的?(分母不变,分子相加)
- Tell us, Boxy, how did you get the chance blood-boiling for today's bomb? 请问本,你怎么使的今天的冠军热血沸腾,斗志昂扬的?
- Thus the number of colinear points is N. How do you get the infinity answer? 如果这N个点里有坐标相同的情况;岂不是最大共线数可以是无穷大.
- How do you get start in that line of work? 你是怎么开始干那一行的?
- By the way, how did you get home last night? 顺便问一下,昨晚你是怎么回家的?
- How did you get across the river? 你怎么渡过那条河的呢?
- How did you get along in your driving test? 你的驾驶考试进展如何?
- How did your interview go?Did you get the assistant manager position? 你面试得如何?获得助理经理的职位没有?
- How did you get that cut on your hand? 你的手是怎么割伤的?
- Did you get the message the meeting has been postponed? 你得没得到通知,会议已经推后了?